
πŸ₯Ό Labs

No Sections!

There are no sections in the lab sessions! you can join either session or both sessions each week. But I'd strongly recommend you to join both sessions to be able to prepare a fantastic portfolio for your team that will come in handy after this course or even after you graduate from McGill πŸŽ‰

Attendance is not obligatory!

Your physical presence in the lab sessions is not mandatory! But labs cannot be done individually! it would be best if you worked in a team.

Fuel for your discussion during the tutorial sessions [How to write my Learning Journal?]

Dear Students,

If you have never written a Learning Journal in your other courses, it might seem a bit tricky! but actually, it is not! It is a practice to help you build your critical thinking which is essential in your future steps.

In the template I have provided for you, there are a few sections:

[Questions] As you are making progress in the lab you might face a few questions. For example: How many tasks should be assigned to a person in a sprint? Is there any optimal value or it depends on the nature of the tasks? Are there any relevant studies on the Internet to determine this value? How is this managed by large companies?

You can either try to answer these questions on your own (based on your previous experiences) or you might want to do some research on the Internet. If you have found any reasonable answer to the questions you have faced you can add them with your explanation into the proper part of the learning journal which is [Description of our approach].

I understand some questions are not easy to answer and require a lot of technical expertise. But it is not always the case! there are some easy solutions even for seemingly difficult problems! If the solutions that you have found for your questions sound interesting to you, you can try them in your project and see what are the results. For example, for this question: You have a large task that needs to be completed in a sprint. How this task can be broken down into smaller pieces? , you might want to explore and try different options in your project and discuss it with people on your team. Then you can add your contributions int the [our contribution] part of the learning journal.

In future labs, we will have different concerns but you should take the same steps to complete your learning journals!

🎁 Presentations

Topic 10 is taken!

Topic#10 is taken by Abraham Somech! We are very looking forward to your presentation on the last day of this course! -> Liam Serour and Samuel Vasserman were added to the team.

Topic 2 is taken!

Topic#2 is taken by Felicia Sun! Visualization Support is a crucial technique that has been used widely in many domains. I am sure that you will enjoy this presentation so stay tuned for more information!

Topic 3 is taken!

Topic#3 is taken by Zachary Hayden! Code Review plays a critical role in software development and can be applied with the help of many tools and techniques. In this presentation, we will learn how this is managed at Google!

Topic 9 is taken!

Topic#9 is taken by Biruk berhanu Retta! what is more important than testing is software engineering and creating bug-free software especially if it is powered by AI!

Topic 4 is taken!

Topic#4 is taken by Alexa Vasilakos! yet another topic on code review that shows us some hidden challenges in this part of software development.

Topic 1 is taken!

Topic#1 is taken by Soumaia Bouhouia! Mining git repositories is a topic that has recently attracted great attention and several amazing papers have been published on this topic. In this presentation, we will learn the promises and perils of mining git.

Topic 7 is taken!

Topic#7 is taken by Marie Nashed! -> assigned to Hadi Ghaddar and Omar Marwan

Topic 5 is taken!

Topic#5 is taken by Sandy Nguyen, Minna Feng, and BΓ©atrice Duval!

Topic 6 is taken!

Topic#6 is taken by Arman Shroff-Mehrabadi!

Topic 8 is taken!

Topic#8 is taken by Ningning Yang!

Summary of Topic 2 added

Felicia Sun successfully created a PR and after getting the approval the summary of the paper was included in Topic#2.

🍨 Quizzes

Flexibility for Quiz1

I have recently been informed that the department student society (ECSESS) is organizing an industry trip to Toronto which leaves in the early morning on the 21st, on the same date as Quiz1! To accommodate students who are joining this event I can distribute the grade of this quiz on other quizzes evenly! If you are going to join this session, please let me know as soon as possible!

πŸŽ‰ Final Project

Best Teams:

Thanks for all you have done in this course and providing beautiful protfolio for your team during the lab assimgnets and the final project.

Among all the projects that I have reviewed the following teams have shown the best performance in terms of the clarify of the presentation, providing supplementary material and the end result:

  1. Team 7: Sarah Youinou and Samer Sawan

  2. Team 4: Afnan Waheed Ahmed, Sia Ham, and Nick Yoo

  3. Team 20: Tara Ginsberg, Liam Serour, and Samuel Vasserman

  4. Team 22: Vivek Kandathil, Richard Rassokhine, and Alexa Vasilakos

  5. Team 24: Joey Liu Liong Wah, Qinghan Zhang, and Eric Zhang

They will recieve 5 bonus points for their significant contribution in the final project.

Final project deliverables:

For the final project, each team needs to put all the steps they have taken in lab assignments and create a complete DevOps workflow for their team portfolio project. Each team should provide the following output:

  • A link to your deployed project using the webApp component in the Azure DevOps environment.

  • Complete the Team Portfolio - Final Project Template.

  • Create a 20-minute video presentation of your project in which everyone explains what they did in the project and how the project was managed using DevOps methodology (you can upload the video to your OneDrive account and share it with me)

Note 1: You don't need to create a new project in your Azure DevOps profile. You can use the existing one.

Note 2: The deadline to submit your package is December 4th (11:59 pm)

Note 3: Make sure you share your video presentation with me otherwise I will not be able to view your file.

Note4: To complete Team Portfolio - Final Project Template: in the first part "OUR CONTRIBUTION" you should mention the main contribution you have made to each lab; in the second part "CHALLENGE#1, #2, #3" you only need to mention 3 main challenges you have faced throughout this project; in the third part "CONCEPTUAL DESIGN" you should draw your build and release pipeline you considered in your DevOps system; in the final part "WHAT ARE MISSING" you should talk about the missing part of the project, e.g., testing, and explain how this step can be integrated into your project.

🀢 Others

Have you joined ECSE 437 recently?

First of all welcome to ECSE 437 I hope you enjoy this class and start building a solid foundation for your future steps!

In this class, you are supposed to work on a project called team-portfolio in which you collaborate with (mostly) two other students to implement a DevOps pipeline for your project. Here are some important points that are worth mentioning:

  • If you don't have a team please contact Sarvin (sarvin.ghiasikhalehoghli@mail.mcgill.ca), she will assign you to a team.

  • Attendance is not mandatory for the tutorial sessions! you can join one or two sessions depending on the time you want to dedicate to your project.

  • In each lab, you need to complete a learning journal that basically shows what you have learned in the lab, what challenges you have faced, and how you managed to resolve them.

  • The final project will be putting all the steps you have taken in the labs sessions, creating a 20-minute presentation, and explaining your main contributions in your report.

  • If you want to earn 10 bonus points you have two options: 1) Booking one slot presentation from the available topics; 2) Creating an excellent learning journal and demonstrating significant contributions in each lab (this will be evaluated by the TA)

  • All quizzes contain short answer questions and will be held at the beginning of the class. So, please don't be late!

Last updated