Meet the Team!
Talent wins games, but teamwork wins championships!
In this course, we can tap into incredible resources and wonderful people!
Dr Majid Babaei
👋 Instructor — Personal website: Office: 680 Sherbrooke Street West, 13th floor, room#1324 School of Continuing Studies.
Online live Sessions, over Microsoft Teams, are held on Fridays 3:30 pm (by appointment). These sessions, usually, run for 30 minutes. However, they may also run for less than that in case there are no further questions or discussions. Lecture slides will be posted over MyCourses. If you have questions and need clarifications about the lecture slides, then the live sessions will be the perfect location to get your questions answered and clarified.
Sarvin Ghiasi Khalehoghli
👋 TA —
Sarvin will be responsible for running tutorial sessions on Mondays and Wednesdays (1:35 p.m. - 2:25 p.m.) at RPHYS 118.
If you run into any issues in doing your assignments in the tutorial sessions Sarvin is your best friend who is always eager to assist you.
Motahareh Pour Ahimi
👋 TA —
Motahareh will be helping me with marking lab assignments, quizzes, and the final exam.
If you have questions about your mark or want to make sure you have been treated fairly Motahareh is someone you can trust!
Last updated